Family is Everything


Sunday, December 6, 2009


Peace at last seems like a funny thing to say when after 4 days of just being home with Dad and new baby but that is how I am feeling right now. It seems silly to say but (now remember Tanner is 4 days old- the emotions are right at the surface!) but I have missed my kids sooo much and have felt their absence from our home-it was soooo quiet not good quiet- empty quiet. My In-laws, who are absolute saints have had our kids for the last 4 days and because of what can only be considered a ridiculous snow/wind storm the visit was extended and today Dad got up and headed down to retrieve the missing members of our family so now that we are all here- I can only describe the feeling in our home as peace- now our brand of peace comes in the form of yelling, laughing, singing lullabies at the top of our lungs- poor Tanner I am sure he is quite confused by this new development but boy were our kids excited to meet him and here are a few candid shots of our family-

Big M and his new little bud

Little Miss with Mr. T (this will be an interesting relationship to watch- I think)
Bobo and little Miss
Some adoring big bros

Fudge and Mr. T

Bobo being still for a second!

Bobo took this pic.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your family is so adorable and I think five just suits you guys soo well:) They look pretty excited to have him there. Ivy looks really grown up now.

  2. So many kids!! Love it. Congrats on your newest little one, he is a sweetie. Oh that little girl of yours so cute!
