Family is Everything


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tanner... turns 1

Our family was completed with the arrival of our T-Man. We are quite a bunch, brood, group, posse however you look at it! Tanner has brought alot of things into our house that we didn't know we missed. We went back into blues, polos and plaids. Back into dinosaurs jammies and airplane blankets. I think I needed to have this little boy because I forgot what fun little boys are. I have been very caught up with all the pink and this has been a wonderful reminder of the joy of blue! He is a strong minded (polite word for stubborn) little fella - he gets his mind on something and he doesn't often relent so true to form as the youngest we find ourselves looking to the older kids to let him have his way ... you all know the look... sort of pleading, begging if you will. He is walking and as funny as the "just got off my horse walk" can be he is now past that and is quite surefooted so running is not a far distance off. The other day he dropped some food off his tray, by accident of course, and said "Uh-Oh!" so I am sure in the not too distant future there will be words. I have to remind myself to slow down and take my time with him because it will all happen very fast. I am very much looking forward to getting to know him. I am sure that Heavenly Father has a plan for this one and our family was the place he needed to be- he sure fits in looks wise! I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who knows my needs and how to meet them better than me and I am thankful for blessings that also teach me to be humble.


  1. oh I remember the day! you are very blessed in your family with all those boys...I too am grateful for a Heavenly father who knows me better than I know myself!!

  2. Did you not take pictures?? Did you through him a party?
