Family is Everything


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Septembers Highs and ...Lows

This has been such an iNtErEsTiNg month! It started out great with the BIG boys headed back to school and believe me they were ready... Max said he wasn't and while I believe him I know he was happy to get back into the school routine he is a boy who loves his boundaries... plus he got to wear his new Bryant jersey which made the day extra awesome! Cooper was all over going back and b/c Max had his jersey on never mind that he had a closet of new school clothes out came the Nash jersey!
It just isn't the true end of summer until you devour some corn on the cob... (don't tell anyone but it wasn't from Taber and I couldn't tell the difference... tasted good to me!)

Ivy misses the boys when they head out to school but we have been having fun doing Girly things... she likes it just as much as I do even if I have to ask her to put the lightsaber down!

Poor teachers 3 Nelson boys in the school ... at Meet the Teacher Coop's teacher told me she keeps calling Cooper Max and Brody's Kindergarten teacher told me she has to stop herself from calling him Cooper- I guess they look alike! (This was Brody's first day of Kindergarten)
He was a little excited!
Max finished his Tie Fighter and as with all things Lego we had to take a picture and he immediately went over to his friend's house b/c according to him J. M. would appreciate how cool it was! The boys in our neighborhood have the most epic lego battles. They all gather in some one's backyard with bags full of Lego and they spend hours building ships and then they have "Star Wars" I think it is sooo cool and love that he loves it so much, he has always had such a great imagination

Then all Heck broke loose at our house... after noticing an odd swelling on the top of T-Mans little noggin I took him over to the Emergency I was told I was a bit of a nervous Mom and that it was just a goose egg. So I came home feeling silly b/c anyone who knows me knows I am not a nervous Mom- I mean who could be with 5 kids 10 and under. Any way the next morning it had spread - now no goose egg I have ever seen spreads to cover the whole side of his little head so I packed up Tanner and Ivy and off we headed back to emerg. this time for an answer. Anyway 6 less than happy hours later we had an answer Tanner our little 9 month old had a Fractured Skull! Yup crazy and I was a wreck because I didn't know how it happened and apparently when you can't tell them what happened they have a lot of questions needless to say I left fairly certain I was the world's worst mother and they wanted to take my kids away. So with instructions to follow-up with the Fam. Dr. so 1 week later I did just that only to be sent to the Children's hospital for a CAT scan and again b/c of the lack of knowledge as to how this happened he also had the pleasure of having his whole body X-rayed. (Have you ever seen how they X-ray little kids... strapped to a board ... needless to say I had to leave the room) so again after 7 hours at the Hops ital and 1 official interview with the Hospital Social worker we were sent home with good news- No blood inside his skull - so no brain damage and No visit from Social services (after my chat with, the worker informed me I was a good Mom as far as she could tell Busy but good) so after a lot of tears and self doubts about myself I left with a Happy 9 month old who has a crack in his little head but will heal himself. As for Tanner he has never even been bothered about any of it and I am once again reminded to be thankful for our Health Care System to which I paid no money for 15 hours in Emergency, a Cat scan, lots of X-rays and an endless amount of Kleenex.

You can kind of see how loop sided his head is here... he didn't really want his picture taken
Then it was Brody's turn... he thought it would be fun to see if he could run on the treadmill at the speed of 10 guess what he couldn't. Totally my fault... I have never had to put my treadmill key away b/c no one had ever touched it and well it now away, far, far, away. It is healing really well and looks worse than it was just some surface road rash but still I am not feeling like a particularly great Mom these days

and never to be left out Ivy took a tumble down the last step off the deck and her little nose met the concrete... seriously

So I am really looking forward to October - hopefully no more injuries just healing!!


  1. Oh my GOODNESS Christine, that is a nightmare! Good heavens girlfriend, how can all of that happen at once? Poor little things. isn't it amazing how they can have a fractured skull and not complain about it but we are whimpering fools when we get a paper cut?!?!? Hope they are better soon - theya re all super cute!

  2. Oh my goodness! I can't believe how much your kids have grown!!! They are so stinkin' cute! As for being a bad mom.....that could never happen with you....I've always thought you were "supermom"!!!! I had to call the poison control center twice in one day when Tatum was little....the second time I gave them a false name and address so they didn't send social services over!!! Haha!! HOpe that makes you feel better!!!

  3. WOW, you've had quite the month. I'm glad that they are all right but I agree hopefully for you october is a little nicer to ya. You are a GREAT mom...busy of course with your 5 great kids...but still a great mom. Tanner must be one tough cookie!!!

  4. Wow!! I'm glad everyone is alright! Tough month! You are such a great Mom though and you should never, ever doubt that!!! Did Max ever get his birthday card? I hope so, there was a little something in there for him, let me know, OK? Love and Miss ya lots OXOXOXOXOX to the you and the kids!
