Family is Everything


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Have you ever made...

Slime? In the Fall I started watching a little fella a couple days a week which works out great b/c he comes on the days Brody doesn't have Kindergarten which helps everyone when it comes to not being Bored! So anyway yesterday was this little fellas B-day (let's call him J. b/c apparently b/c he is not my child he has rights and therefore I shouldn't plaster his name or face - so there are no pictures of him either- all over the Internet but a few of you will know who this little guy is) Again it was his birthday and I found this recipe for Slime and thought what fun the 2 boys and my little Ivy would have playing in this stuff anyway so I made it and J wouldn't touch it, wouldn't even go near it said "That looks gross" I personally thought the whole process was really cool and if you venture to make it please have your kids right there with you pouring in the ingredients b/c the making was the coolest part- very science experiment like.

Homemade Slime
1 teaspoon borax powder
1 1/2 C water, divided
4 oz (1/2 C) Elmer's glue, clear or white
food coloring

Add borax powder to 1 cup of water and stir to dissolve. Set aside. Pour glue into a medium mixing bowl and add 1/2 C water. Add a few drops of food coloring until desired color is reached and then stir to mix glue solution until smooth. Pour the borax mixture into the glue mixture and watch the solids start to form. Stir for a few moments and then use your hands to gather the mass. The mixture will be very soft and wet. Keep kneading until it firms up and feels dry. Discard excess liquid in bowl. The more you knead and play with the slime the firmer it will become. Store in a ziplock bag or air tight container and the slime will keep indefinitely.

It reminded me of "Bob" on Monsters vs. Aliens Pretty cool- I used the clear glue but like the recipe says you could use white
Look how nicely his face wound has healed- thankgoodness for Polysporin!
I think she thought it was the Olympic torch
Tanner was kept a safe distasnce away b/c this is not edible stuff
Now don't feel too bad for J. he did spend the time playing with playdough which he would touch and quite enjoyed himself. Oh and this is what I did while they were playing...


  1. cute sign, I am really trying to make some of these signs. I have some ideas for fall and stuff. Did you use paper or vinyl for your letters. It is really cute!!

  2. I have got to try that slime.....looks like fun! Cute blocks too!
